BUA in Agriculture

Agriculture Programme in Africa.

The Agriculture Programme in Africa spearheads initiatives to revolutionize farming practices and enhance food security across the continent. By fostering innovation, providing training, and facilitating access to markets and resources, this program empowers farmers to increase productivity, improve livelihoods, and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

We have a robust background with a reach of over 15000 farmers across the East African Region alone, having a mix of small holder and Large scale farmers.

Building Africa in Mukono, Uganda Agriculture project.

Kujisaidia Initiative

Business case “Kujisaidia”Kujisaidia is a pilot business case developed in the frame of ISAC, a European project funded by the European Commission (FP7-SPACE programme, Call 3: SPACE-2010-1 for Stimulating the development of GMES Services. Kujisaidia aims at creating a new low-cost service for farmers suffering recurring drought damages. This service is based on advanced satellite technologies applied at farm/community level in African countries.

The Pilot was undertaken in two regions namely; Homabay County and Kitui County in Kenya.

The Pilot 'Kujisaidia Initiative' was successful and it now prompted the Second phase that involved the fully fledged implementation of the Project dubbed IPP. This brought in more partners from Europe and Kenya.

Farmers attending Kujisaidia Initiative workshop Homabay
Farmers attending Kujisaidia Initiative workshop Homabay

Building Africa in Homabay. Farmer engagement through a series of workshops.

More Projects

  • Rongo Nyagowa women group water supply for small scale vegetable irrigation and domestic water supply (source Lake Victoria) rehabilitation required.

  • Rongo Warao community water supply system for irrigation.

  • In Uganda, the Building Africa have different types of programmes in various districts i.e in Mukono District there are three water projects for three women groups for irrigation and Mukono high school Agricultural project.

IPP (International Partnership Programme)

The project focused on building flood and drought resilience in Kenya and Ethiopia to support poverty alleviation. In Ethiopia it will focus on building an improved understanding of flood and drought hazards and risks to help build social and economic resilience to water-related hazards. In Kenya it will focus on the effectiveness of Earth Observation data for the micro-insurance market, an important tool for farmers who currently have little or no access to insurance. This will be supported by the development of a flexible dashboard with tailored information to assist decision making related to flood and drought at basin level in Ethiopia (working with the Ministry of Finance) and local level in Kenya (working with women farmer intermediaries and micro-insurance actors).